Climb for Clean Air

My journey to 14,410 feet

In July 2015, I will be summitting Mount Rainier in support of something we take for granted - breathing.

Your generous donation not only helps me achieve my summit, but also supports the American Lung Association and the fight against Lung Disease.

My Story

"The mountains are calling and I must go."
John Muir

It’s a cherished thing we do, breathing. Not that we think about it much until we can’t. But for those of us who are constantly reminded that deep breaths of fresh air are not to be taken for granted, it’s not a losing battle thanks for the hard work of the American Lung Association and us.

For those of you who know me, my life revolves around the outdoors as much as possible. If it isn’t mountain biking or hiking, it’s camping, snowboarding or taking a long ride on a motorcycle. But living in Seattle, it’s as if the outdoors are constantly beckoning, the mountains always calling. It’s difficult to describe my passion for the mountains unless you experience the same, but it’s definitely where I feel most alive. With this obsession, it was always inevitable for me to start a new journey through the adventure that is mountaineering.

Near the end of the summer of 2012, I was awarded with a tremendous opportunity to summit Mt. Whitney in California with a group of college friends. After a grueling one-day hike up and down the mountain, that trip was all it took to get me hooked. I immediately began pursuing the next mountaineering adventure, the obvious choice of course being in my own backyard — Mt. Rainer. On the rare clear days here in Seattle, Mt. Rainier rises majestically over the skyline, a subtle reminder each and every day to live life to the fullest.

I now have the wonderful privilege to combine two of my passions — health/fitness and the outdoors — into one amazing event. I have joined with the American Lung Association in their Climb for Clean Air/Reach the Summit program. In order to reach the summit, I have committed to raising at least $4,000 by March 2015 and soon after my team of climbers will summit Mt. Rainier with professional guides.

I’m also excited to give you the opportunity to help me be successful in this adventure. Any amount of contribution is greatly appreciated, but a donation of $100 or more will definitely go a long way in helping me reach my goal.

Here is what your generous donation and the Climb for Clean Air/Reach the Summit program will help to support:

  • Research into promoting lung health and preventing lung diseases such as asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, lung cancer and tuberculosis;
  • Being pro-active in the fight against outdoor air pollutants and environmental health; and
  • Striving to reduce tobacco use, especially among young people, that is responsible for over 400,000 deaths in the U.S. each year.

You can make a donation via PayPal or credit card by clicking “Donate to My Climb”, or visiting my official participant page. You can also send a check (made out to the “Lung Association”) to me at:

All donations are tax-deductible, and you will receive an official receipt (all online donations get an emailed receipt).

Thank you in advance for your support and generosity. And remember to never take for granted the ability to breath freely.

Donate to My Climb

P.S. If you know of anyone else that would like to be a part of this by donating or getting more info, please share my story with them or pass along their name to me. Thanks!

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."
John Muir